Breads & Buns

Our delicious breads and buns are of highest quality. Mixed using fresh ingredients our doughs are given the time to rest naturally before being shaped, finished and baked by our Red Seal Baker who has been making our breads and buns (along with so many other items) for almost 40 years.
Our breads and buns are hand shaped; the dough allowed to develop slowly so that the full flavour of the grain is brought out.
We use real ingredients; things you can pronounce, that are packed with flavour and nutrients.
Breads: Daily
Buns: Daily

In addition to all our daily breads & buns we will also be producing the

Mondays: Bakers Choice

Tuesdays: Erwin’s Rye Bread; A light rye bread with a soft crumb and crust. Great for sandwiches, toasting or snacking

Wednesdays: Red Fife Sourdough Bread; made using Canada’s oldest cultivated wheat; Red Fife. This true sourdough also offers the nutritional value of the whole grain of Red Fife flour

Thursdays: Bakers Choice

Fridays: Kami Sourdough, Red Fife Sourdough and Cinnamon Raisin Bread. Kami Sourdough has been a staple offering for decades. A true sourdough with both light rye and bread flour

Cinnamon Raisin bread; Toasted, untoasted, or turned into yummy French Toast – you can’t go wrong

What we make

Each day we produce a selection of the following products:

Savouries and Take Home Foods

Wheat Free Treats

What we make

Each day we produce a selection of the following products: